Glen Warren / Te Ana A Raki Kindergarten
Meals provided daily
All year round kindergarten
100% qualified teachers
Transport available
30 Hours Free
Next to a primary school
Welcome to Glen Warren / Te Ana A Raki Kindergarten
The wairua as you walk into Glen Warren – Te Ana a Raki and that you feel in every area of the kindergarten makes this place a very special taonga for tamariki whānau and community to be in.
Through an inspiring environment tamariki experience a place where they can question, be curious, challenge themselves, explore, investigate and take risks. Tamariki engaging socially and grow as confident & competent learners who come with their own thoughts of mind and are empowered to share, acquire and strengthen knowledge and dispositions. With a strong commitment to the Tiriti o Waitangi and responsive relationships.
Glen Warren is a full year Kindergarten and we provide lunch daily. Our kai creator prepares nurtritious meals on site for all tamariki. Our menus have been created in collaboration with the Healthy Heart Foundation and we respect all dietary requirements, allergies, and culutral beliefs so please make us aware of these on enrolment or as they come up.
Karen Hailes
Head Teacher
Quick Info
Open: Monday to Friday 8am to 4:30pm
Session times: Monday to Friday, 8:45am to 2:45pm.
Address: 38a Torridge Street, Oamaru
Phone: (03) 434 2422 ext 3
Head Teacher: Karen Hailes
Number of children: 40 a day
Licensed for children aged 2-6