What do you need to know?

Our Programme

“To grow up as competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body, and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society.”

– Aspirations for children, from Te Whāriki National Early Childhood Education Curriculum.

Starting Kindy

Young children react in different ways to starting kindergarten. Even the most confident child may take a while to become accustomed to the new environment. Let us provide some ideas that may help the settling in process go smoothly. Find out more information on the FAQ page

Fees & Funding

The Government’s 20 Hours Early Childhood Education is available at all our kindergartens. If you bring your 20 Hours to Kindergarten you will not be charged for any extra hours this means you could be entitled to up to 30 hours for FREE.. You may be eligible for WINZ subsidies. Find out if you are eligible (link to website)


If you are after more information on the kindergartens the Oamaru Kindergarten Association provides then feel free to head to our Downloads page where you can read their Welcome Packs, Philosophies, ERO Reports, and Latest Newsletters.