Frequently Asked Questions
When choosing the right care or kindergarten for their child every parent likes to make an informed decision.
We are a non-profit community based organisation governed by an elected Board. We belong to a national organisation New Zealand Kindergartens with whom we network and share national expertise. This national perspective is strength of the kindergarten movement.
A variety of hours and times are offered to suit the needs of the community. Our kindergartens are Kindergarten Day models which offer extended sessions up to a maximum of 6 hours per day. At one of the kindergartens there are options of morning sessions twice a week.
Please check each kindergartens specific page for more information on session times and days.
Most people choose the kindergarten that is close to them or that has session times that best suit their families/whānau situation. It can be useful to visit the kindergartens to talk with the teachers and have a look around. You can browse to our four kindergartens from the home page.
All the kindergartens have an open door policy and would welcome you visiting. Prior to your child starting we recommend that you do a few visits with your child to get them familiar with the kindergarten.
No, kindergartens are not zoned so you can enrol your child at the kindergarten of your choice.
Locate the kindergarten that you are interested in your child attending.
Contact the kindergarten directly to find out more about enrolling, visits are welcome drop into the kindergarten and talk to the teachers.
If you would like to enrol your child you can do one of the following:
drop by your local kindergarten and complete the enrolment form
download a form directly from the website
contact the Association Office and a form will be posted or emailed out.
It is best to enroll your child onto a waiting list from birth but you can enroll them at any age. The starting age of children varies between kindergartens but is usually around 3 years old. The teachers of the kindergarten you choose will be able to provide you with a more accurate indication of a likely start date
Glen Warren is an all year-round kindergarten. The rest of the kindergartens are closed during the term breaks similar to primary schools with the only difference being that term one starts around the middle of January each year.
No, the teachers can assist and support you and your child in this area of development
No, all children are welcome to attend. However you will be asked to supply an immunisation certificate at 15 months and 48 months for the teachers to copy. If you have chosen not to have your child immunised then all we ask is that you inform the teachers at these times.
Yes, all children and their families/whānau, irrespective of any special needs or abilities are welcome to attend any of our kindergartens.
The teaching team will work collaboratively with you to ensure that your child and your family/whānau have a smooth transition to kindergarten and the quality programme provided at kindergarten will enhance your child’s learning and socialisation.
The teaching team will work in partnership with you to provide the necessary services and support for you and your child.